Welcome to Our World

Sunrise over the Mamaroneck Harbor

Waterskiing during sunrise

Marina at Sunrise

Sunrise over the Mamaroneck Harbor
Dan Natchez, President of DSN&A, is an avid sailor, boater and water-skier, and has been both a frequent competitor and judge at American Water Ski Association competitions as well as on many Olympic class sailboats. Dan turned his passion for the water into a vocation when he founded DSN&A almost 40 years ago. Through DSN&A, he has had the opportunity to participate in the design, development and master planning of marinas, marina resorts and waterfront properties across the globe.
Some of the largest marinas in the world are DSN&A’s clients and DSN&A is proud to have undertaken work for the Westrec Organization (the largest marina chain in the World), the Brewer Organization (the second largest marina organization in the US), and notable developers including Sentosa Development Corporation (planning for a new 5 star marina, harbor, hotel, and canals with over 4,000 residences in Singapore) and the Goodstein Organization (Montauk Yacht Club Resort and Conference Center, Taft Hotel, Westhampton Bath & Tennis, Sterling Forest, etc.) as well as recreating the Head of the Harbor Project for the City of Milford and helping in the revitalization of the City of Chicago's Eight Harbor Marina System.
DSN&A has had extensive experience with marina and waterfront facility design throughout the US, as well as around the world, including in the Caribbean, Costa Rica, Peru, Portugal, the Netherlands, Turkey, the Middle East, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia. DSN&A has also been honored to be the Special Representative to the Japan Coastal Resorts Association.

International Waterfront Design
An International Environmental Waterfront Design Consulting Company Specializing in Marinas, Marina Resorts, High-End Residential, Mixed Use Complexes, and Waterfront Projects.
We Specialize in: ​
Environmental Evaluation
Design & Implementation
Recreationally Oriented Harbors
Marina Resorts
Mixed Use Complexes
Boat Yards
Yacht Clubs
Industrial Ports
Residential Docking Facilities
As well as all upland Infrastructure, in the United States and throughout the world.